Monday, March 13, 2017

Element Palace Keeps Gallinaceous Man

Element Palace Keeps Gallinaceous Man

  • Apricot Bao stay of proceedings 1 (big)
  • Earthnut 1 bowl small
  • Red any of several hot spice plants 1
  • Green Chinese onion 1 paragraph small
  • Chinese prickly ash 1 small gather
  • Dry chili 1 small gather
  • Unripe draw 2 spoon
  • Often smoke little
  • Vinegar 1 spoon
  • Candy half spoon
  • Salt is right amount
  • Amylaceous half spoon
  • Garlic 2 valve
  • Sesame oil 1 spoon


Qualitative fleshy of flesh of apricot Bao stay of proceedings, it is one kind takes the place of with element really of the flesh good feed capable person. Man of apricot Bao stay of proceedings also can use man of wild rice stem replace. Be addicted to can replace red any of several hot spice plants hotly with bubble any of several hot spice plants. Earthnut is replaced with flay ripe pignut more simple.

  1. Feed material preparation.
  2. The evaporate after apricot Bao stay of proceedings is abluent 10 minutes, air involving fire is cool. Earthnut is rinsed with water, red any of several hot spice plants is abluent cut Xiaoding. Garlic is mincing. Green Chinese onion cuts paragraphs small. Apricot Bao stay of proceedings cuts Xiaoding, crowded go moisture, add a few salt, starch catchs divide evenly souse 5 minutes. Take small bowl additionally, 2 spoon are unripe smoke, often smoke a few, 1 spoon vinegar, half spoon candy, right amount salt, 1 spoon is amylaceous, clear water moves 1 spoon to flavor juice reserves.
  3. Oily boiler burns heat, into pignut small fire slow fly into rage comes slightly brown, scoop. Remain oily boiler to enter fourth decoct of apricot Bao stay of proceedings to fry to skin small yellow, scoop.
  4. Have oily pot again, into Chinese prickly ash small fire fly into rage gives sweet smell, fish out Chinese prickly ash. (Chinese prickly ash begins to become angry can scoop, scamper became long can have acrid) the oil of Chinese prickly ash that remain enters blast of simmer in water of dry chili small fire a little while, enter garlic last stage, fourth medium baking temperature of chili of Duan Hegong of green Chinese onion explodes sweet.
  5. Break up into apricot Bao stay of proceedings fry even. Fall to flavor juice turns over divide evenly quickly, fry divide evenly into pignut again.
  6. Can drench finally sesame oil of on 1 spoon, install dish.

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