Monday, March 13, 2017

Case Orchid Nuo Pulls Walnut Fruit to Do Oatmeal

Case Orchid Nuo Pulls Walnut Fruit To Do Oatmeal

  • Plant oily 40ml (8 teaspoon)
  • Brown sugar 55 grams
  • Honey 85 grams
  • Teaspoon of sweetgrass essence ½
  • Teaspoon of cinnamonic pink ¼
  • Saline ¼ teaspoon
  • Unripe oatmeal (blame eat oatmeal namely) 135 grams
  • Mincing walnutmeat 128 grams
  • Shredded coconut stuffing 35 grams
  • Tendril jumps over berry to work / currant 60 grams
  • Chocolate beans (can not put) 90 grams


1.Note the time that shredded coconut stuffing adds, join shredded coconut stuffing prematurely otherwise, shredded coconut stuffing is easy and sear. 2. The oatmeal in raw material is Rolled Oats, blame feed namely oaten.

  1. Agitate mixes in essence of oil of vegetable of big bowl lieutenant general, brown sugar, honey, herb, cinnamonic pink and salt even
  2. Join oatmeal and mincing walnutmeat move in the big bowl of 1, mix is even, make oaten wrap full syrup equably with nut
  3. Oven warm-up 150 degrees. Baking dish on the plant of extra weight on besmear is oily, measure the 2 raw material that had mixed are being baked dish on, lay open levels. Roast 15 minutes, roast during need to will be baked dish take out, break up is baked dish on the oatmeal that agglomerate
  4. After 15 minutes pass, shredded coconut stuffing is joined in cornmeal, mix is even. Continue roast 15 minutes, turn Jin Zong into color till cornmeal.
  5. The affiliation of a large number of honey finished product can become stickier, put cool hind may sticky baking dish on. I am such processing: When oatmeal is tepid still, fill oatmeal to oilpaper. Wait for oatmeal to be put thoroughly cool hind, can put the oatmeal that becomes chunk last bag of crumb, or smash with the clog.
  6. refrigeration the oatmeal after and favorite fruit work or chocolate beans mixes. Make good cereal, sealed save, can save 3 weeks.

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